If you believe a ticket was wrongly issued, you may contest it and request a dismissal. To do so, provide DC DMV with all the information and documentation that supports your reasons for contesting.
Here's more information to understanding the ticket lifecycle.
For specific information on responding to parking or photo enforcement violations, please visit the contesting parking/photo enforcement violations webpage.
For specific information on responding to minor moving violations, please visit the contesting minor moving violations webpage.
Sign Language Translation
Requests for an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter require two weeks notice. For scheduled hearings, including walk-in and virtual hearings on a minor moving, parking and photo enforcement violations, please submit ASL interpreter requests in-person or via email at adjslirequest@dcdmv.zendesk.com. For email submissions, enter “ASL Interpreter Request” in the subject line. The hearing request should include your name, hearing date and ticket number. If the hearing is related to the reinstatement of a driver license or privilege to operate a vehicle in DC, please also include your driver license number. Adjudication Services will arrange for an interpreter and confirm scheduling via email.