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Department of Motor Vehicles

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Department of Motor Vehicles

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Registration of Out-of-State Automobiles (ROSA)

If you park or operate a vehicle in public space in the District for 60 consecutive days, the vehicle must be registered and display a valid DC DMV inspection sticker and tags.

The DC Department of Public Works (DPW) monitors for automobiles that are not in compliance with DC registration requirements. If DPW observes an unregistered automobile a second time within a 30-day period, DPW will issue a warning notice indicating the automobile may receive a citation and/or impoundment unless you request a ROSA exemption as a recurring visitor.

If you are a recurring visitor to the District, that is, you have frequent, short-term visits and you have received a DPW citation for parking or operating a vehicle without a DC DMV registration or tags, you may apply for a ROSA exemption online, by mail or in-person at any DC DMV service center.

You will need the following documents to get a ROSA exemption:

  • A copy of the DPW citation or warning notice issued to the vehicle in question
  • Your original lease, deed or mortgage statement for your out-of-District residence
  • A current utility bill (issued within 60 calendar days) at your out-of-District residence
  • Your valid registration card for the vehicle in question

If you reside with someone and the lease, deed or mortgage statement is not in your name, you must provide all of the following as proof of non-District residency:

  • A copy of the warning notice issued to the vehicle in question
  • A statement from the individual you reside with attesting to the fact that you reside at that individual’s home
  • A copy of the individual’s original lease, deed or mortgage statement
  • A copy of the individual’s current utility bill (issued within 60 calendar days)
  • Your valid vehicle registration card for the vehicle in question. The registration card must reflect the same address that is on the individual’s original lease, deed or mortgage statement and utility bill.

You may request your ROSA exemption online.Skip the Trip Logo

Or you may mail the required documents to: 

ATTN: ROSA Exemption
PO Box 90120
Washington, DC 20090 

Your ROSA exemption will be processed within 7–10 business days from receipt. Please allow up to 15 business days to receive your product before contacting DC DMV. The ROSA exemption is good for one year.

Temporary residents (who reside in the District more than 30 calendar days) must register their vehicles or apply for a reciprocity permit.

Note: Once you receive an exemption from ROSA, your vehicle license tag number will be entered into the District's ticket management system. The exemption applies to ROSA enforcement only. All other parking regulations still apply, such as residential parking. You will receive a receipt for your records indicating the exemption expiration date (365 days).

If you receive a ticket for failure to secure DC DMV tags, you may submit the ticket for adjudication online, by mail or in-person. You must present the same documents listed for receiving the ROSA exemption.

After the one-year exemption period, if you receive another warning notice, you may repeat the exemption process above.

Note: A ROSA exemption is not a parking permit and does not exempt a vehicle from District parking regulations. For example, vehicles with ROSA exemptions are still subject to all residential parking permit restrictions in effect in the location where the vehicle is parked.

Similarly, a visitor parking pass is not related to the ROSA program and the use of a visitor parking pass to allow a vehicle to avoid RPP time limits will not exempt that vehicle from ROSA requirements.

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