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Department of Motor Vehicles

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Department of Motor Vehicles

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How to Obtain Vehicle Title and Registration

When registering a vehicle, the Manufacturer Certificate of Origin (MCO) or Title must be properly executed.

  • If there are multiple owners of the vehicle, all owners must be listed on the MCO/Title, Bill of Sale and any lien/lease paperwork.

In order to title and register a vehicle, all outstanding debts owed to the District of Columbia Government must be satisfied.

If a leased vehicle is being titled in the name of an out-of-state based business as a lessor, a copy of the business license where the lessor is domiciled must be submitted along with the registration application and other required documents.

Required Documents

  • Certificate of Title/Temporary Tag Application (complete with appropriate signatures)
  • Manufacturer Certificate of Origin (MCO) or Title
  • Title Reassignment Form (if applicable)
  • Vehicle Power of Attorney Application
  • Odometer Mileage Verification
  • Bill of Sale
  • Lienholder Financial Contract (if applicable)
  • Proof of valid DC Insurance
  • DC DMV Vehicle Inspection Certificate (if applicable)
  • Lease Contract (if applicable) – both lessor and lessee must provide proof of identification
  • Proof of Identification - copy of owner(s) DC driver license or non-driver identification card.
  • If owner is a business, the following documents are required:
  • Copies of the DC Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DC DLCP) Business License and
  • DC Department of Buildings (DC DOB) Certificate of Occupancy (note: if the DC business is leasing the premises, it must also present copies of the landlord's DC Certificate of Occupancy and the executed lease agreement between the business and its landlord.)
  • Dealer Salesman License for DC dealer only
  • Printout of online excise tax estimator or fee estimator
  • Check or money order made payable to DC Treasurer
  • Title and registration fees

Take Home Vehicles

Please visit this webpage for more information about reciprocity permits for take home vehicles.


For general questions, please contact DC DMV at

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