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DMV News You Can Use for December 2024

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A Message from DC DMV Director Robinson

DC DMV Director Gabriel Robinson

As we close 2024 with the holidays and prepare for all that is to come in 2025, I truly am grateful reflecting on the hard work of my team at the Department of Motor Vehicles and all of our colleagues across DC Government.

In this month's newsletter, we include a reminder about the importance of keeping your vehicle winter ready; we'll also take a look at the impact of impaired driving in the District, as December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month.

We would like to remind everyone that DC DMV will close for the Holidays as our staff takes time to be with loved ones, refresh and renew for the new year. More information on DMV closures, and services that can be completed from the comfort of your own home, are included in this month's newsletter - read on to learn more!

Please know, your feedback is important to us. Write us a letter or join me for DMV's monthly Live Chat on the first Thursday of each month. The next DC DMV Live Chat is scheduled for Thursday, January 2 at 12 pm.

Thank you for reading this edition of our newsletter. Here's to a meaningful holiday season filled with peace, joy and love. Enjoy and stay safe!

DMV News You Can Use - December 2024