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Department of Motor Vehicles

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Department of Motor Vehicles

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Disability Vehicle Tags

To obtain disability vehicle tags, you must be a District resident. Complete and submit the application for disability parking placard/permit or tags (PDF | Online). The application includes a portion that must be completed by your physician/medical practitioner.

Once completed, you must visit a DC DMV Service Center. You must present your current DC DMV credential, current DC DMV vehicle tags (if this is not the first time this vehicle is tagged) and a DC DMV vehicle registration in your name before receiving the new tags.

By law, District residents may be issued one set of disability tags and a disability parking placard or permit. You have the option to receive disability tags for one or two years based on your vehicle registration.

There is no extra charge for disability tags. However, you must pay the normal, vehicle registration annual fee for the disability tag. Also, if you already have pleasure tags and are obtaining disability tags, there is a tag replacement fee.

You must surrender any existing tags to obtain disability tags.

Note: Only the vehicle owner, as noted on the vehicle registration for the disability tags, may use the vehicle to park in a disability space. If someone other than the vehicle owner is driving the vehicle with disability tags, he or she cannot park in a disability space unless the vehicle owner is also in the vehicle.

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