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Request Reconsideration after Contesting

Request for Reconsideration Options

Upon being found liable for a parking, photo enforcement or minor moving violation ticket, you may request DC DMV to reconsider that decision. A request for reconsideration must be filed before appealing a ticket decision (unless in the case of a denied “Motion to Vacate").

Request for reconsideration must be received by DC DMV within 30 calendar days from the date of the hearing record. The request for reconsideration, must establish one or more of the following: 

  1. Newly discovered or newly available relevant evidence.
  2. Additional evidence to establish your defense.
  3. A likely error was committed by the hearing examiner.
  4. A need for further consideration of the issues.

The request for reconsideration should include all documents and evidence that shows why the hearing examiner’s decision should be reconsidered such as vehicle registration, hardcopy photographs, diagrams, etc. Once filed, the request will be reviewed by the same hearing examiner who originally heard the case. Requests for reconsideration must be in writing and may be submitted online or by mail; except you may drop off your request for reconsideration in-person at DMV Adjudication Services.

Request for Reconsideration Online

Submit your request for reconsideration online here.

When we receive your online request for reconsideration, DC DMV will send you an email notification. If you do not receive a confirmation email from DC DMV, then:

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Request for Reconsideration by Mail

You may complete the request for reconsideration form here and mail any evidence to the address below:

DMV Adjudication Services 
ATTN: Request for Reconsideration 
PO Box 37135 
Washington, DC 20013

Reconsideration Decisions

DC DMV will make a decision on your request for reconsideration within 180 calendar days and will mail you the decision. 

Grounds for reconsideration are listed in §50-2303.11(b). The grounds include: 

  1. Newly discovered or newly relevant evidence;
  2. Need for additional evidence to establish a defense;
  3. Probable error committed by the hearing examiner in the proceeding, including failure to judicially notice a fact on which the decision of the hearing examiner rests or failure to inform the respondent of a judicially noticed fact on which the decision of the hearing examiner rests; and
  4. Need for further consideration of the issues.

If you have a DC DMV ticket alert service (TAS) account and selected the hearing alert option, you will receive an alert as soon as a decision is made and you can review the hearing record immediately.

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