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Department of Motor Vehicles

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Sharing the Road with Larger Vehicles

When driving on the highway, you are at a serious disadvantage if you are involved in a crash with a larger vehicle. In crashes involving large trucks, car drivers suffer fatalities 78% of the time. Here are a few tips to help you prevent an accident and minimize injuries and fatalities if one does occur.

  1. Don’t cut in

Large trucks or other vehicles need a lot of space to brake. You will cause a serious accident if you cut in front without leaving room.

  1. Buckle up

Always buckle your seat belt. Seat belts are your best protection in case of a crash, especially if you get into an accident with a large vehicle such as a truck.

  1. Watch the blind spots

Large trucks have large blind spots, around the front, back, and sides. Remember, if you can't see the truck driver in the truck's mirror, the truck driver can't see you.

  1. Pay attention

Focus only on the road. Inattention around large vehicles causes big problems. If you need to attend to another matter, safely pull over in a parking lot or rest stop.

  1. Remain calm

Don’t react to aggressive drivers, and don’t be aggressive yourself.

  1. Avoid the squeeze play

Trucks and buses make wide turns. Don’t get squeezed in the blind spot between a large vehicle and the direction it is turning.

  1. Survive through sobriety

Impaired driving can be deadly; accidents with large vehicles can be fatal. The combination of the two doubles your risk—and the risk to everyone around you on the road: do not drive if you take drugs or drink alcohol.

Note: You can take a short online quiz on sharing the road with other vehicles and drivers, available at the link below:

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