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Department of Motor Vehicles

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Department of Motor Vehicles


-DC DMV will no longer prevent DC residents from applying for a new or renewed driver license because of failing to meet the requirements of the Clean Hands Law.

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Multi-Vehicle Fleet Ticket Service

Companies, government agencies, and other business entities that have 10 or more company-owned or long-term leased vehicles may apply for participation in the District’s Multi-Vehicle Fleet Ticket Service Program. DC DMV has developed a web-based fleet account management system for reporting and tracking parking and photo enforcement violations issued in the District of Columbia. 

  1. Requirements
  2. Benefits
  3. How It Works
  4. Managing Tickets
  5. Ticket Payment
  6. Managing Vehicles
  7. Fleet Coordinator Training


To qualify to participate in the Fleet Ticket Service Program you must:

  • Maintain a fleet of at least 10 or more vehicles. The vehicles must be owned or leased on a long-term basis. (Government fleets are not subject to the 10-vehicle requirement.)
  • You will not be able to adjudicate tickets that are issued to vehicles in the program.
  • Exceptions are if the vehicle is not a part of your registered fleet; and
  • If the ticket is a duplicate ticket.
  • Pay all outstanding parking and photo enforcement tickets issued to your fleet prior to enrollment.
  • Pay an annual $10.00 fee per plate to participate in the program. (Government vehicles are not subject to the fee requirement.)
  • Complete and submit the Multi-Vehicle Fleet Application [PDF].

You can send your application to or print and mail the application to:

DC Department of Motor Vehicles
Multi Vehicle Fleet Program Coordinator
PO Box 1030
Washington, DC 20013-1030

  • Designate two company or agency representatives and provide those persons email and contact information on the enrollment application.
  • Identify your fleet by vehicle tag number and provide photocopies of each vehicle’s registration certificate to confirm ownership.
  • Provide a notarized letter from the leasing company granting authorization to enroll its vehicle in the program, for any long-term leased vehicles.
  • Complete a two-hour training session on how to navigate the online system.

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Benefits of participation in the fleet ticket service program include: 

  • Your fleet is not subject to booting and towing. (not applicable for parking in no park zones)
  • You will receive monthly online reports of all parking and photo enforcement tickets issued to your fleet.
  • You will have online access to view ticket data and images.
  • You will be able to print an invoice to process through your accounts payable system.
  • You will have access to DC DMV’s Fleet Help Desk.

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How It Works

Once you have successfully enrolled in the fleet ticket service program, your designated representative will receive a monthly electronic new ticket report listing all parking and photo enforcement tickets issued to your fleet. You then have 30 calendar days to respond to the ticket report by remitting payment for the tickets.

Your company or agency representative also receives a monthly overdue ticket report that lists tickets that have not been paid and are now more than 60 calendar days old. The new ticket report and overdue ticket report are available online on the first day of the month.

If you fail to resolve these tickets your fleet has received in accordance with established rules and timelines, then:

  • Your fleet ticket service program enrollment is terminated and your fleet is at risk of being booted and towed for any outstanding tickets.
  • Companies terminated from the fleet program may not reapply for one year.

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Managing Tickets

The best way to manage your company’s tickets is to review your online reports on a regular basis. Do not wait until the due date to review your ticket reports. Allow yourself ample time to respond to the report prior to the due date to avoid the assessment of late penalties.

Once your new ticket report is received, you have 30 calendar days in which to pay the amount due or to request a hearing on a ticket.

You can request a hearing on a ticket by clicking on that option in the online report. You can request hearings only on:

  • tickets that show an invalid license plate or tag number, or
  • tickets for duplicate infractions.

Once you request a hearing on a ticket included in the new ticket report, the amount of your invoice will change. The new invoice will be available the next day. Your payment must match the invoice amount.

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Ticket Payment

Participants in the fleet ticket service program will receive an invoice every month in the fleet subsystem portal and you pay the fines by mail. The amount must match the invoice amount or the payment will not be accepted

Mail your payment to: 

Adjudication Services
PO Box 2014
Washington, DC 20013

Again, the amount paid must match the amount on the invoice or the payment will not be accepted.

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Managing Vehicles

Your company will be able to add and delete tags. Tags must be deleted or added to the program by sending the request to the DC Fleet Helpdesk at or by mailing a request and a copy of the vehicle registration to:

DC Department of Motor Vehicles
Multi-Vehicle Fleet Program Coordinator
PO Box 1030
Washington, DC 20013-1030

This is necessary to verify the vehicle registration. Your authorized representative will be able to delete the tags online if the plate has no balance owed.

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Fleet Coordinator Training

Your authorized representative will be trained in how to navigate the online program from his or her desktop using our Webex training application. The training session will take approximately two hours. Your representative will receive a user ID and temporary password at the end of the training session. Online assistance and support are available to participants in the multi-vehicle fleet ticket service program by contacting

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Contact TTY: