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Department of Motor Vehicles

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Department of Motor Vehicles


-DC DMV will no longer prevent DC residents from applying for a new or renewed driver license because of failing to meet the requirements of the Clean Hands Law.

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Driver Point System Chart

Drivers who incur too many points could lose their license. If, for a moving violation, you are found liable at a hearing, fail to pay a ticket within the required 60-day time period, or pay a ticket (payment is admission of liability), you will be assessed points according to the chart below.  Points are assessed on your driver record for both DC and non-DC moving violations.

Penalties for Excessive Points Total Points
DC license suspended, lose driving privileges for 90 days 10-11
DC license revoked, lose driving privileges until DMV reinstates license (at least 6 months after revocation) 12 or more


You may incur points if you:  Points
Follow another vehicle too closely 2
Operate a vehicle with an improper class of license 2
Operate a vehicle with a license expired less than 90 days 2
Commit any moving violation that does not contribute to an accident and is not listed below 2 - 3
Fail to comply with seatbelt law 3
Commit violations that contribute to an accident 3
Speed 11-15 miles per hour above posted speed limit 3
Speed 16-20 miles per hour above posted speed  4
Fail to stop for a school vehicle with alternately flashing lights 4
Operate a motor vehicle in violation of a restriction on your license 4
Operate a vehicle with a learner permit unaccompanied by a licensed driver 5
Speed 21 miles per hour or more above posted speed limit 5
Fail to give right-of-way to a pedestrian 3
Commit a misdemeanor crime involving the use of a motor vehicle 6
Fail to yield to an emergency vehicle 6
Reckless driving 6
Leave the scene of a collision in which no personal injury occurs 8
Turn off headlights of a vehicle to avoid identification by a police officer 8


Your license will automatically be revoked if you: Points
Leave the scene of a collision in which personal injury occurs (hit and run) 12
Flee or attempt to elude a police officer 12
Aggravated reckless driving 12
Operate a vehicle after your driver license has been suspended or revoked 12
Use the driver license of another person 12
Receive conviction for an assault or homicide committed with an automobile 12
Operate a vehicle under the influence of, or when impaired by, intoxicating liquor and/or narcotic drugs 12
Operate a vehicle with any measurable amount of alcohol if the person is under 21 years old  12
Commit a felony crime involving the use of a motor vehicle 12
Make a false affidavit or statement under any law relating to motor vehicles 12
Commit any violation while operating a vehicle without the permission of the owner 12