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Department of Motor Vehicles

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-Due to system maintenance, some DMV online services may be temporarily unavailable between 8 pm on Sunday, February 16 and 6 am on Monday, February 17. We apologize for any inconvenience.


-In recognition of Presidents Day, all DC DMV locations will be closed on Saturday, February 15 and Monday, February 17. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, February 18. Many of DC DMV's services will be available online or via the agency's free mobile app.


-DC DMV will no longer prevent DC residents from applying for a new or renewed driver license because of failing to meet the requirements of the Clean Hands Law.

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DMV News You Can Use for June 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

A Message from Director Robinson

DC DMV Director Gabriel Robinson

As the summer travel season begins, I encourage everyone to be safe and follow the rules of the road. June is National Safety Month, the annual observance to help keep each other safe, from the workplace to any place. 

When traveling in our beautiful city, please follow posted speed limits, and watch for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly when approaching intersections. By taking these actions, we can all help achieve the Mayor's Vision Zero goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries to travelers.

In this month's newsletter, we include some important tips to prevent heatstroke resulting from children being left in hot vehicles. We've all heard the tragic stories of young lives lost through vehicle heatstroke and following these tips may help prevent another sad headline.

Additionally, please read on to learn about DMV's Permit Prep Bootcamp taking place this summer for young District residents who wish to take and pass the DC DMV Knowledge Test to obtain a driver license.

And as a reminder, please join us for our DC DMV Live Chat the first Thursday of each month. We will be online for a full hour to respond in real-time to any of your DC DMV-related questions. Our next online live chat is scheduled for Thursday, August 1 at 12 pm.

Thank you for reading this edition of our newsletter. Enjoy and stay safe!

DMV News You Can Use - June 2024