(Washington, DC) In the first two weeks of the Ticket Amnesty program, the District Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has collected $393,647 in revenue and 7,400 tickets have been paid. (Week ending August 11, 2011)
Customers have been utilizing a newly created web-based form to learn the exact amount they owe. To keep up with the demand, DMV will now offer this research service through September 9, as it was originally scheduled to expire today.
"Citizens are responding to the program and recognize ticket amnesty is a great incentive to satisfy their debts to DMV," said Lucinda Babers, Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles.
To date, DMV is processing about 118 online research requests a day. A total of 1,299 research forms have been submitted. Customers using this service can expect to receive a response within 5 business days. The Ticket Amnesty program, which is available for tickets issued prior to January 1, 2010, runs through January 27, 2012. Additional information about the program is available at dmv.dc.gov.
The District Department of Motor Vehicles provides service and promotes public safety to ensure the safe operation of motor vehicles. For more information visit dmv.dc.gov. Like us on Facebook and follow DC DMV on Twitter.