WASHINGTON, DC - Today, the Mayor and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Director Lucinda M. Babers announced a new operation schedule for two DC DMV Service Centers and reminded residents of recent changes to the vehicle registration renewal process and the closing of a DMV service center.
“My administration is committed to providing constituents with the best standard of service possible,” said the Mayor. “We are proud to announce new standardized DMV hours of operation, which will increase the Districts ability to provide resources and services to our residents.”
New Operation Schedule
Effective Sept. 28, 2009, the Penn Branch DMV Service Center and the DMV Inspection Station will be opened Tuesday through Saturday.
- Penn Branch Service center will be open from 8:15am to 4pm.
- The DMV Inspection Station will be open from 7am to 3pm.
Southwest and Georgetown Service Centers will continue to operate Tuesday through Saturday 8:15am to 4pm Adjudication Services will remain open 8:15am to 4pm, Monday through Friday.
The new schedules are aimed at optimizing services and reducing lines and costs. The implementation of the new service hours will save District tax payers over $600,000 in FY 2010 alone.
Changes Renewal Services
In an effort to further reduce customer service lines and waiting times, the DMV now requires that all vehicle registration renewals be made online or by mail. This change took effect July 13, 2009. Customers who do visit DMV service centers for registration renewals will have access to drop boxes and onsite computer kiosks. Registration renewals left in the drop box will be processed within 2 business days. The onsite computer kiosks will enable walk-in customers to complete and print the renewal transaction themselves.
Combined, the scheduling changes and other new DMV regulations enacted through the FY 2010 Budget Support Act save District tax payers over $2.6 million.
Friday, Aug. 14, 2009 the Brentwood Service Center located at 1233 Brentwood Road, N.E. permanently closed in order to reduce costs and increase utilization of the three other service centers. Brentwood was the smallest and least utilized DMV service center for customer services. The Brentwood Commercial drivers License Center and Brentwood Road Test Office located at 1205 Brentwood Road, NE are still in operation. Closing the Brentwood Service Center saves District tax payers over $1.6 million in FY 2010.
“The DMV places a high priority on customer service,” said DMV Director Lucinda Babers. “While we are standardizing hours of operation to help optimize services and streamline operations, we continue our commitment to providing the best services to our customers.”
Many driver and vehicle services are available online at dmv.dc.gov allowing customers to skip the trip to service centers altogether. In May, the District launched a new e-mail alert service that informs customers when there is ticket activity on their driver license and on up to four vehicles registered in their name. Online, customers can pay tickets; renew drivers licenses, ID cards and registrations; schedule inspections, road tests and ticket hearings; locate towed vehicles; and see live views of waiting lines at each of the DMV service sites. DMV customers are encouraged to take advantage of the convenient and easy online services.
Visit dmv.dc.gov or call 311 or (202) 737-4404 for additional information.