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Department of Motor Vehicles

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-Due to system maintenance, some DMV online services may be temporarily unavailable between 8 pm on Sunday, February 16 and 6 am on Monday, February 17. We apologize for any inconvenience.


-In recognition of Presidents Day, all DC DMV locations will be closed on Saturday, February 15 and Monday, February 17. Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, February 18. Many of DC DMV's services will be available online or via the agency's free mobile app.


-DC DMV will no longer prevent DC residents from applying for a new or renewed driver license because of failing to meet the requirements of the Clean Hands Law.

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Modified District Government Services for Fourth of July

Thursday, June 30, 2022

(Washington, DC) – On Monday, July 4, 2022, the District Government will observe the Fourth of July holiday. While some services will be affected, many District employees will continue serving to maintain essential District operations.    

What's Open on Monday, July 4

Test Yourself DC drop-boxes are open for residents to drop off samples between 10 am – 8 pm   

Access to Emergency Shelter   
All low-barrier shelters for individuals experiencing homelessness operate year-round. Currently, all low-barrier shelters remain open 24 hours and will remain open all day on Monday, July 4. Individuals seeking access to homeless services should call the DC Shelter Hotline at (202) 399-7093 from 8 am – 12 am or the Mayor’s Citywide Call Center at 311 at any time of the day or night.    

Drop-In Centers for Residents Experiencing Homelessness   
The Downtown Day Services Center (The Center) will offer walk-in services to guests with no appointment required. Hours of operation are 9 am - 5 pm on Monday, July 4. The Center is operating at its pre-pandemic capacity, meaning a maximum of 120 guests are permitted in the Center at any time. Entry will be permitted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Guests will be provided with a wristband that must be worn while in the Center. Available walk-in services include showers, laundry, medical treatment, computer access, electronic/mobile device charging, housing case management, employment counseling, harm reduction services, and other vital services. Full capacity lunch services will continue on Monday, 11 am – 1 pm.  

Zoe’s Doors, located at 900 Rhode Island Avenue NE, will be open from 8 am – 7 pm on Monday, July 4.   

Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) parks, playgrounds, athletic courts, and fields will be open. Fort Lincoln Tennis Courts will close at 3 pm for the public use. DPR splash parks will be open from 10 am – 8 pm. All previously permitted events will take place as scheduled. It is illegal to use fireworks on or at any DPR property including recreation centers, fields, and playgrounds. Gas grills and deep fryers are also prohibited.

DPR outdoor pools will be open on all three days of the long weekend, including Monday, July 4, from 10 am – 6 pm. On Monday, July 4, six outdoor pools regularly scheduled for closure on Mondays (Anacostia, Kelly Miller, Upshur, Theodore Hagans, Volta, and Oxon Run) will instead be open. DPR’s 34 splash parks will be open from 10 am - 8 pm all three days as well. For a full list of pool schedules, visit Families can also visit or text SUMMER to 69866 for a list of activities across the District for residents ages 18 and younger.


What's Closed on Monday, July 4 

All Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) locations will be closed on Saturday, July 2 and Monday, July 4 Customers are encouraged to use online options by visiting  

Walk-up COVID-19 testing, Rapid Antigen test kit pick-up locations, and Test Yourself PCR kit pick-up locations will be closed Monday, July 4. Sites will reopen on Tuesday, July 5 as scheduled. Visit for locations and hours of operation.  

All COVID-19 Centers will be closed Monday, July 4. Sites will reopen on Tuesday, July 5. Visit for locations and hours of operation.

The District’s COVID-19 call center will be closed on Monday, July 4. For general COVID-19 related questions or to book a vaccine appointment for homebound residents, call 1-855-363 0333 when the Call Center reopens on Tuesday, July 5.   

The Department of Employment Services Navigation Call Center and all American Job Centers will be closed on Monday, July 4. Residents are encouraged to file unemployment insurance claims online at    

DC Youth Meal program sites will be closed on Monday, July 4. Youth ages 18 and younger can visit any of the open meal sites on Friday, July 1, between 8:30 am – 9:30 am and between 12 pm – 2 pm.   

The Sasha Bruce Youth Drop-In Center for District residents experiencing homelessness will be closed on Monday, July 4.   

DPR indoor pools and recreation centers will be closed on Monday, July 4 and will reopen on Tuesday, July 5. DPR children’s pools will also be closed as scheduled on Monday, July 4.

DC Public Library (DCPL) neighborhood locations and the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library will be closed on Monday, July 4. Virtual programs will be available. For more information on available Library programs, visit or download the Library’s app.  

The Department of Human Services Economic Security Administration Service Centers will be closed on Monday, July 4.       

The DC Health & Wellness Center (77 P Street, NE) will be closed on Monday, July 4.   


Modified Service Adjustments:

The DC Department of Public Works (DPW) will “slide” household trash and recycling collections for the remainder of the week into Saturday. For example, households that normally receive trash and recycling collections on Monday, July 4 will be serviced on Tuesday, July 5. 

The Benning Road Transfer Station will open as regularly scheduled Wednesday through Friday for residential drop-off and Saturday for household hazardous waste.  


The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will suspend construction and work zones for non-emergency work in roadways, alleys, and sidewalks within the District’s right of way. This includes manhole access and construction-related deliveries. Approved construction activities may resume Tuesday, July 5, during permitted work hours.   

The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) does not normally permit construction on District Government holidays, and violations could result in a Stop Work Order and fines. No construction will be allowed on Monday, July 4 for the holiday without a companion Afterhours Permit. Illegal construction reports can be made using the Illegal Construction Inspection Request Form or calling 311. DCRA offers many online services, tools, and resources, enabling customers to conduct business 24 hours per day, seven days per week.     

Lane Restrictions:    
DDOT will suspend reversible lane operations city-wide on Monday, July 4.  

Parking Enforcement:    

All parking enforcement will be suspended on Monday, July 4 except for Streetcar ticketing and towing. Parking enforcement will resume on Tuesday, July 5.    

All DC Circulator routes are operating on a normal schedule, except for the National Mall route, which will not be in service on July 4. DC Circulator service for the National Mall route will resume on July 5.

DC Streetcar is operating on a normal schedule.   

Social Media:
Mayor Bowser Twitter: @MayorBowser
Mayor Bowser Instagram: @Mayor_Bowser
Mayor Bowser Facebook:
Mayor Bowser YouTube: